Join us for our annual Saturday event, The Best of Roundtable. This free Saturday learning opportunity will feature 25 minute presentations on all the best evangelism stuff. Come and have your imaginations expanded by hearing what's working in other congregations. Presenters are members from the Houston Welcome Roundtable, a group of Episcopal evangelism leaders that meet monthly to share ideas and encouragement.
Open to clergy and lay leaders, paid and unpaid, anyone with a heart for the welcoming the stranger in our midst and building authentic relationships within our parishes. This year’s topics:
The Power of Story - building connection through listening with Rev. Jim Liberatore
Decoding Language and Liturgy - Molly Carnes
Who is my Neighbor? - ways to engage with your community with Rev. Scott Painter
Spiritual Healthy Data - includes responding to the Diocesan request for better newcomer tracking - Molly Carnes
And more!
St. Aidan’s in Cypress, Texas is generously hosting this event. Check-in at 8:30 am and sessions start at 9 am and end promptly at noon. Eucharist in their new worship space will follow and feel free to continue the conversation at a local restaurant at 12:30 pm.
This event is free but registration is required. Please register through the Connect page of this website by sending me your name, church, and email address. Or, send me your info by email to Hope you can join us!
This event replaces our usual February Welcome Roundtable meeting.